marți, 31 mai 2011
Shift feat. Kamara & Do-Re-Mi - Pe Cuvant
Shift (feat. Kamara) - Pe cuvant
Str.1 :
E despre mine, despre tine si toti cei ca noi
Despre taria de a nu da inapoi,
Ca-i pace sau razboi, ca-s secete sau ploi,
Noi nu ne multumim nicicand cu locul doi.
Suntem puternici, crescuti cu greu de mici,
Nu e nevoie sa plecam, avem ce vrem aici,
Avem atat de mult, incat pe altii-i deranjeaza
Si suntem prea departe si ei tot ne subestimeaza.
Nu ne-afecteaza, noi tinem capu' sus
Si stim ca vine un nou rasarit dupa orice apus,
O sansa-n plus...n-o s-o cersim vreodata,
Avem tarie-n caracter si inima curata.
Refren :
De ce sa vreau mai mult, cand mi s-a dat deja un dar,
Viata-i chiar frumoasa, doar copiii au habar,
De ce sa vreau mai mult, cand mi s-a dat deja un gand,
Viata-i chiar frumoasa pe cuvant.
Str. 2 :
Tu dois jongler pour garder ton rang,
T'as pas le choix, c'est noir ou blanc,
Ensemble nous sommes plus fort et sur ce champ,
Nous luttons jusqu'a la der niere goutte de sang.
Citoyen de Roumanie,
C'est ici que j'ai vu la vie,
J'ai grandi loin d'ici,
Mais cette terre c'est ma patrie,
Je fabrique mes tunnes sans craintes,
Je vous confie mes amprentes,
Pour moi, la vie est belle, la vie est saint.
Refren :
De ce sa vreau mai mult, cand mi s-a dat deja un dar,
Viata-i chiar frumoasa, doar copiii au habar,
De ce sa vreau mai mult, cand mi s-a dat deja un gand,
Viata-i chiar frumoasa pe cuvant.
Str.3 :
Unii se vand, sa isi atinga visul,
Altii-si vand visul, ca nu fac compromisul
Si paradisul, il vezi tot mai departe,
Ca uiti sa zambesti, sa speri, sa iti iubesti al tau aproape.
Viata te duce la multe stii,
Nu te mai poti ascunde si,
Nu mai conteaza de unde vii,
Tre' sa pastram amintirile vii...
Sa nu uitam ca-n suflet suntem copiii,
Indiferent de greutati, bucurii...Si
Suntem de piatra, cand altii-ncearca
Sa ia ce e al nostru, p-aici n-o sa treaca,
Avem nevoie de mai multa-ncredere si-o stim,
Aici e locul nostru, pan-o sa murim.
Refren :
De ce sa vreau mai mult, cand mi s-a dat deja un dar,
Viata-i chiar frumoasa, doar copiii au habar,
De ce sa vreau mai mult, cand mi s-a dat deja un gand,
Viata-i chïar frumoasa pe cuvant.
luni, 30 mai 2011
My Korean Music List!
As deci..afara ploua, tuna, fulgera si trasneste si eu stau inchisa in casa plictisindu-ma si cu temele nefacute, oricum nu asta conteaza, doua saptamani si vacanta :>
Am decis sa va prezint cateva melodi preferate, ordinea nu conteaza, pe toate le iubesc la fel de mult <3
Am decis sa va prezint cateva melodi preferate, ordinea nu conteaza, pe toate le iubesc la fel de mult <3
Dalmatian - The man opposed
BigBang- aici sincer nu va pot pune nici o melodie, de ce? Toate melodiile lor sunt fabuloase, pana le insir pe toate ma apuca dimineata, deci la alegera voastra ce melodie va place :D
Deci mai sus dupa cum puteti observa sunt numai trupe de baieti :)) Asculte si 2ne1, Miss a, Girl's Generation etc. dar ma rog...baietii sunt mai importanti :-"
Edit: Click pe melodi daca vreti sa le ascultati ^__^
Edit 2: Jang Keun Suk-Without words
Park Shin Hye- Lovely Day
Edit: Click pe melodi daca vreti sa le ascultati ^__^
Edit 2: Jang Keun Suk-Without words
Park Shin Hye- Lovely Day
Look at life realistically
In viata mereu vor exista doua cai din care va trebui sa alegi, dar iti voi face drumul mai usor supnandu-ti ce va trebuii sa alegi la un momentdat.
-Niciodata sa nu-ti alegi prietenii dupa vorbe si gesturi bune, adevaratii prietenii te cunosc cu adevarat si nu-ti spun ca "totul va fi bine" din contra te ajuta sa privesti spre viitor.
-Cel mai mare dusman al tau esti chiar tu.
-Nu poti sa-ti dai seama de caracterul cuiva doar in cateva zile.
- Nu alege soarele, cand poti alege ploaia, pentru ca ploaia va trece si va veni soarele, insa cand soarele va trece va veni furtuna. Alege mereu ceea ce este greu ca va urma ceva mai usor.
-Nu te ascunde de tine, caci esti cea mai importanta persoana chiar cand nu realizezi.
Ai incercat vreodata sa vezi lumea din alta perspectiva? daca nu, incearca acum si fi inversul a ce esti, sunt sigura ca-ti va fi mai bine, eu am incercat odata, insa am crezut ca e mai bine sa fiu eu si sa traiesc prost, decat sa fiu opusul meu si sa traiesc bine.
Eu nu cred in cuvinte gen "special" "perfect" oh si "dragoste" prostii create de oameni fara minte >> niciuna nu exista sunt doar in mintea noastra, doar niste iluzii, dam nume la niste stari prostesti.
Pana la urma, fiecare are o viata, oricum o sa murim mai devreme sau mai tarziu, deci pur si simplu nu conteaza ce facem, vom fi uitati repede si niciun lucru sau vreun sentiment de-al nostru nu va mai fi amintit.
Traieste clipa si uita de trecut ;)
duminică, 29 mai 2011
Pai..n-aveam ce face sincer, asa ca am sa va prezint una dintre trupele mele koreene preferate. Bine am multe trupe de kpop care imi plac si Shinee nu e pe primul loc, insa despre ei doresc eu sa vorbesc azi ^__^
Este o trupa contemporana R & B de baieti, formata pe 15 mai 2008. Nici eu nu stiu prea multe despre ei, nu sunt o fana infocata, d'abia le stiu numele si cateva melodi :]]
Lee Jinki [Onew]--> seful trupei, din cate stiu eu. Nascut pe 14, decembrie 1989 in Gwangmyeong, Gyeonggi-do din Coreea de Sud.
Parere proprie: SIncer mereu il confundam cu Key stiu de ce, oricum pare simpatic tipul si din cate am vazut eu la o emisiune Hello Baby e si amuzant si serios, deci e destul de cool :D
Kim Jonghyun tipul asta chiar il iubesc <3 Adica e asa cute incat imi vine sa-l mananc ^w^.
S-a nascut pe 8 aprilie 1990 in Seoul[majoritatea personalitatilor mari ale Koreei pe nasc acolo o__O]
Tipul asta nici nu trebuie sa incerce sa fie dragut caci e si fara retusuri, chiar si chel i-ar sta bine, cred =]]
Kim kibum [chivuvu:]]
Si el e cute, dar cu anumite coafuri, caci in rest ii sta naspa parul si nu-mi place >>
S-a nascut pe 23 septembrie, 1991. Deci el e Key al mamei caruia nu-i sta bine cu coafurile sale ce nu-mi incanta ochii in unele videoclipuri >.>
Choi Minho si el e cute :]] Pai..toti sunt cute n-am ce comenta,
S-a nascut pe 9 decembrie, 1991 si....e cute :]] Chiar nu stiu ce sa spun despre fiecare in parte, nu sunt o mare fana, insa imi plac vocile lor si uneori sunt chiar amuzanti -.-"

Lee Taemin
Am ajuns la preferatul tuturor TAEMIN!!!! Copilasul formatiei. :D
E nascut pe 19 Iulie 1993 :]] si e cel mai cute din formatie <3
Pai asta e trupa Shinee, va recomand sa ascultati: Ring Ding Dong, Lucifer sau Hello, sunt printre preferatele mele <3
Este o trupa contemporana R & B de baieti, formata pe 15 mai 2008. Nici eu nu stiu prea multe despre ei, nu sunt o fana infocata, d'abia le stiu numele si cateva melodi :]]

Parere proprie: SIncer mereu il confundam cu Key stiu de ce, oricum pare simpatic tipul si din cate am vazut eu la o emisiune Hello Baby e si amuzant si serios, deci e destul de cool :D
 tipul asta chiar il iubesc <3 Adica e asa cute incat imi vine sa-l mananc ^w^.
S-a nascut pe 8 aprilie 1990 in Seoul[majoritatea personalitatilor mari ale Koreei pe nasc acolo o__O]
Tipul asta nici nu trebuie sa incerce sa fie dragut caci e si fara retusuri, chiar si chel i-ar sta bine, cred =]]

Si el e cute, dar cu anumite coafuri, caci in rest ii sta naspa parul si nu-mi place >>
S-a nascut pe 23 septembrie, 1991. Deci el e Key al mamei caruia nu-i sta bine cu coafurile sale ce nu-mi incanta ochii in unele videoclipuri >.>

S-a nascut pe 9 decembrie, 1991 si....e cute :]] Chiar nu stiu ce sa spun despre fiecare in parte, nu sunt o mare fana, insa imi plac vocile lor si uneori sunt chiar amuzanti -.-"

Lee Taemin
Am ajuns la preferatul tuturor TAEMIN!!!! Copilasul formatiei. :D
E nascut pe 19 Iulie 1993 :]] si e cel mai cute din formatie <3
Pai asta e trupa Shinee, va recomand sa ascultati: Ring Ding Dong, Lucifer sau Hello, sunt printre preferatele mele <3
Just me and nobody else!
Cred c-ar fi trebuit sa ma prezint de mult, insa nu am crezut ca este nevoie, dar intr-un sfarsit m-am gandit si stiu ca n-o sa cititi deci o sa scriu degeaba, macar pierd din timp ! :D
Cine sunt?
Nu stiu, sincer, pot fi orice, dar nu ce vreau, pot fi ce vor ei, dar daca eu vreau sa fiu un fluture si sa traiesc o zi asta imi va fi imposibil. As da o viata pentru o zi in corpul unui animal mic.
De unde sunt?
Pot fi de oriunde vrei, pot sa vin de pe Marte sau pot locui pe Luna, poate sunt chiar Soarele, sau poate sunt doart pamantul, tu decizi unde ma poti gasi. Eu una cred ca sunt peste tot cu gandul.
Cati ani am?
Nu conteaza, am o varsta oricum, care trece, peste cativa ani nu voi mai avea aceeasi varsta, deci degeaba o am acum.
Ce-mi place?
Imi place totul si nimic. Sper ca v-am lamurit.
Ce fac prima data cand ma trezesc dimineata ?
Orice, pot sa ma trezesc brusc sau sa spun ca mai stau 5 minute, pot sa ma culc la loc, dar pot si sa mananc in acelasi timp.
Ce hobby-uri am?
Multe, ti le insir sau le descoperi?
Ce muzica ascult?
Nu conteaza muzica, oricum orice gen se incadreaza in cuvantul asta, dar...doar pentru ca sunteti interesati ascult mult Kpop.
Ce parere am despre mine?
Mai bine tac decat sa credeti ca sunt sadica.
Ce filme preferi?
Orice gen, nu conteaza, numai sa nu aiba un sfarsit banal sau pe la jumatatea filmului sa casc.
Iti plac anime-urile? Ce genuri?
Da, imi plac si da cele yaoi, ce credeati ca ma uit la yuri? O__o
Sper ca v-am lamurit in legatura cu persoana mea ^__^
Ja ne!
Cine sunt?
Nu stiu, sincer, pot fi orice, dar nu ce vreau, pot fi ce vor ei, dar daca eu vreau sa fiu un fluture si sa traiesc o zi asta imi va fi imposibil. As da o viata pentru o zi in corpul unui animal mic.
De unde sunt?
Pot fi de oriunde vrei, pot sa vin de pe Marte sau pot locui pe Luna, poate sunt chiar Soarele, sau poate sunt doart pamantul, tu decizi unde ma poti gasi. Eu una cred ca sunt peste tot cu gandul.
Cati ani am?
Nu conteaza, am o varsta oricum, care trece, peste cativa ani nu voi mai avea aceeasi varsta, deci degeaba o am acum.
Ce-mi place?
Imi place totul si nimic. Sper ca v-am lamurit.
Ce fac prima data cand ma trezesc dimineata ?
Orice, pot sa ma trezesc brusc sau sa spun ca mai stau 5 minute, pot sa ma culc la loc, dar pot si sa mananc in acelasi timp.
Ce hobby-uri am?
Multe, ti le insir sau le descoperi?
Ce muzica ascult?
Nu conteaza muzica, oricum orice gen se incadreaza in cuvantul asta, dar...doar pentru ca sunteti interesati ascult mult Kpop.
Ce parere am despre mine?
Mai bine tac decat sa credeti ca sunt sadica.
Ce filme preferi?
Orice gen, nu conteaza, numai sa nu aiba un sfarsit banal sau pe la jumatatea filmului sa casc.
Iti plac anime-urile? Ce genuri?
Da, imi plac si da cele yaoi, ce credeati ca ma uit la yuri? O__o
Sper ca v-am lamurit in legatura cu persoana mea ^__^
Ja ne!
Demi Lovato - La la land
I am confident, but
I still have my moments.
Baby, that's just me.
I'm not a supermodel
I still eat McDonalds.
Baby, that's just me.
Some may say I need to be afraid
of losing everything.
Because of where I've
If i started,Where I made my name
But everything's the same
In a La-la land machine. Machine.
Who said I can't wear my
Converse with my dress?
Oh, Baby, That's just me!
And Who said I can't be single
i have to mingle
BABYYY, That's not me
Noo, noo.
Some may say I need to be afraid
of losing everything.
Because of where I've
if i started, Where I made my name
But everything's the same
In the La-la land machine.
Tell me do you feel the way I feel
Cuz nothing else is real
in the la-la land machine
Some may say I need to be afraid
of losing everything.
Because of where I've
if i started
Where I made my name
When everything's the same
In La-la land machine
Well, I'm not gonna change
In a La-la land machine
Well I will stay the same
In La-la land...
I won't change anything of my life
(I won't change anything of my life)
I'm staying myself tonight
(I'm staying myself tonïght)
la la la la laaaa....
I still have my moments.
Baby, that's just me.
I'm not a supermodel
I still eat McDonalds.
Baby, that's just me.
Some may say I need to be afraid
of losing everything.
Because of where I've
If i started,Where I made my name
But everything's the same
In a La-la land machine. Machine.
Who said I can't wear my
Converse with my dress?
Oh, Baby, That's just me!
And Who said I can't be single
i have to mingle
BABYYY, That's not me
Noo, noo.
Some may say I need to be afraid
of losing everything.
Because of where I've
if i started, Where I made my name
But everything's the same
In the La-la land machine.
Tell me do you feel the way I feel
Cuz nothing else is real
in the la-la land machine
Some may say I need to be afraid
of losing everything.
Because of where I've
if i started
Where I made my name
When everything's the same
In La-la land machine
Well, I'm not gonna change
In a La-la land machine
Well I will stay the same
In La-la land...
I won't change anything of my life
(I won't change anything of my life)
I'm staying myself tonight
(I'm staying myself tonïght)
la la la la laaaa....
Demi Lovato - Back Around
What did I do to deserve this?
Tell me the truth and don't lie
You're pretty good at that but, no not this time
You walk around like you run the world
Running your mouth, and talking about me now,
They think that you're the perfect girl,
They're gonna see everything so get back
It's gonna come back around
You know that this town is just too small and i'm too strong to take this again
You just too adverse but I have got news
You know you're just gonna lose
Everything and everyone that means so much to you.
I'm feeling bad for,
You are alone and nobody cares that you are
One look into your eyes,
Easy to see what you could be but you're not
I say it's time that you give in,
Since it was real, you cannot fulfill, you're over
You feel your heart beat deep down
Ignoring the shame of causing this pain,
Just get out
It's gonna come back around
You know that this town is just too small and i'm too strong to take this again
You just too adverse but I got news
You know you're just gonna lose
Everything and everyone that means so much to you.
You keep hearing everything that people say
And you cant take the pain another day
It's coming back around
I told you this town was just too small
You're just too adverse but you can stop now
Cuz it's gonna come back around
And around and around and around and around
Yeah yeah
It's gonna come back around
You know that this town is just too small and i'm too strong (Too strong)
To take this, take this again [Whoa]
You're just too adverse but Ive got news
You know you're just gonna lose
Everything and everyone that means so much to you
Everything and everyone that means so much to you
Everythïng and everyone that means so much to you.
Tell me the truth and don't lie
You're pretty good at that but, no not this time
You walk around like you run the world
Running your mouth, and talking about me now,
They think that you're the perfect girl,
They're gonna see everything so get back
It's gonna come back around
You know that this town is just too small and i'm too strong to take this again
You just too adverse but I have got news
You know you're just gonna lose
Everything and everyone that means so much to you.
I'm feeling bad for,
You are alone and nobody cares that you are
One look into your eyes,
Easy to see what you could be but you're not
I say it's time that you give in,
Since it was real, you cannot fulfill, you're over
You feel your heart beat deep down
Ignoring the shame of causing this pain,
Just get out
It's gonna come back around
You know that this town is just too small and i'm too strong to take this again
You just too adverse but I got news
You know you're just gonna lose
Everything and everyone that means so much to you.
You keep hearing everything that people say
And you cant take the pain another day
It's coming back around
I told you this town was just too small
You're just too adverse but you can stop now
Cuz it's gonna come back around
And around and around and around and around
Yeah yeah
It's gonna come back around
You know that this town is just too small and i'm too strong (Too strong)
To take this, take this again [Whoa]
You're just too adverse but Ive got news
You know you're just gonna lose
Everything and everyone that means so much to you
Everything and everyone that means so much to you
Everythïng and everyone that means so much to you.
Selena Gomez - Who Says
I wouldn't wanna be anybody else.
You made me insecure
Told me I wasn’t good enough
But who are you to judge
When you’re a diamond in the rough
I’m sure you got some things
You’d like to change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn’t want to be anybody else
Na na na
Na na na
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me
Na na na
Na na na
You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says
It’s such a funny thing
How nothing’s funny when it’s you
You tell ‘em what you mean
But they keep whiting out the truth
It’s like a work of art
That never gets to see the light
Keep you beneath the stars
Won’t let you touch the sky
Na na na
Na na na
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me
Na na na
Na na na
You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says
Who says you’re not start potential
Who says you’re not presidential
Who says you can’t be in movies
Listen to me, listen to me
Who says you don’t pass the test
Who says you can’t be the best
Who said, who said
Won’t you tell me who said that
Yeah, oh
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautïful
You made me insecure
Told me I wasn’t good enough
But who are you to judge
When you’re a diamond in the rough
I’m sure you got some things
You’d like to change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn’t want to be anybody else
Na na na
Na na na
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me
Na na na
Na na na
You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says
It’s such a funny thing
How nothing’s funny when it’s you
You tell ‘em what you mean
But they keep whiting out the truth
It’s like a work of art
That never gets to see the light
Keep you beneath the stars
Won’t let you touch the sky
Na na na
Na na na
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me
Na na na
Na na na
You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says
Who says you’re not start potential
Who says you’re not presidential
Who says you can’t be in movies
Listen to me, listen to me
Who says you don’t pass the test
Who says you can’t be the best
Who said, who said
Won’t you tell me who said that
Yeah, oh
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautïful
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